Ebtech Glasshouse Systems working with British Garden Centre Group
Following the successful construction of the used glasshouse at the Woodthorpe Garden Centre back in 2017, the British Garden Centre Group and Ebtech Glasshouse Systems have continued to work closely together in some of their recently acquired Garden Centres.
Ebtech installed a new vent system and controls at Carr Gate Garden Centre, near Wakefield and renovated the venting system at Bold Heath Garden Centre in Cheshire.
Lock EWA10 ventilation motors were installed at both Carr Gate & Bold Heath Centres to accompany the existing Lock rack & pinions.
In particular at Carr Gate Garden Centre they were finally able to use the roof ventilation over the children’s play area to give them much better air flow in a normally hot and stuffy environment.
Ebtech Glasshouse Systems are providers of new or used glasshouses, benching & irrigation systems, heating & screening and complete turnkey projects from conception to completion. Contact us to discuss your ideas and plans or visit www.ebtechglasshouses.co.uk
